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Please read this Operating Guide carefullybefore
operating this radio
Safety Information
DO NOToperate the transmitter of any radio equip-
ment withthe antenna touching or close to the eyes,
face, or exposed body parts.
DO NOTlet children operate any transmitter-equipped
radio equipment.
Have your radio equipment serviced by a qualified
Nickel-Cadmium Battery VVarning
This equipment contains a nickel-cadmiumbattery
The nickel-cadmiumbattery contained inthis equip-
ment may explode ifdisposed of in a fire.
DO NOTshort circuitthe battery.
DO NOT charge the nickel-cadmium battery used in
this equipment in any other charger other than the one
designed to charge this battery.Using another charger
may damage the battery,or cause the battery to
Unlden~ is a registered trademark of Uniden Corporation.
Features, Specifications, and availability of Optional
Accessories are all subject to change without notice.