Oil type and capacity
MTD engines use oil with a SF/SG API rating or better is the recommended oil for this engine. The winter
engines use SAE 5W-30 oil and the summer engines use SAE 10W-30 oil. The oil capacity for all of the 78/83/90
series engines is 37 fl.oz (1.1 liters).
• Check the oil level frequently and change the oil more frequently in severe operating conditions such as
exceptionally deep snow falls.
• Synthetic oil is a suitable alternative, but it does not extend service intervals.
NOTE: MTD recommends the use of petroleum oil during the break in period to ensure the piston rings cor-
rectly break in.
• Synthetic vs. Petroleum based oil: To simply look at synthetic oil and to compare it with Petroleum based
oil there is very little difference. However, when you look at the two through a microscope it is easy to see
the difference. Synthetic is made up of smaller molecules. This allows the oil to get into areas that petro-
leum based oil cannot.
• No oil additives or viscosity modifiers are recommended. The performance of a good oil meeting the API
specifications will not be improved by oil additives.
NOTE: Some oil additives may cause severe and non warrantable engine damage, constituting a lubrication
NOTE: If the oil is noticeably thin, or smells of gasoline, a carburetor repair may be needed before the engine
can be run safely.
NOTE: There are two types of dip sticks that can be found
on MTD engines; a threaded dip stick that was
used on older engines and a quarter turn dip stick
that is used on engines currently being produced.
See Figure 1.4.
Figure 1.4
1/4 turn
For Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983