Using local search
To find a destination using local search and plan a route to that location, follow
the steps below. In this example, you will search for a supermarket near to
your current location.
1. Tap the screen to bring up the Main Menu, then tap Navigate to.
2. Tap the Google button.
3. Tap Search near you.
4. Type ’supermarket’ then tap OK.
The locations that match your search are shown in a list.
5. Tap one of the locations in the list.
The location is shown on the map.
Tap Details to see more information about this location.
6. Tap Navigate there to plan a route to the location.
Your TomTom XL plans a route to the location you selected.
TomTom Safety Alerts
The TomTom Safety Alerts service warns you about a variety of locations
• Safety camera locations.
• Accident blackspot locations.
• Mobile safety camera locations.
• Average speed camera locations.
• Toll road camera locations.
• Traffic light camera locations.
Important: Regularly connect your navigation device to TomTom HOME to
update the list of locations for all Safety Alerts. If a wireless connection is
available for your device, mobile safety camera locations can be sent to your
device using a wireless connection.
When a safety camera location is shown on the map, a warning sound is
played to warn you that you are approaching an area where a safety camera
is located.
If you discover a location that has a safety camera but you receive no warning,
you can report the new location to TomTom using your XL.
Other services
The following services are also available on your TomTom XL:
TomTom Weather
TomTom Weather gives you five day weather reports for any
location on your map.
QuickGPSfix contains information about GPS satellite positions
which helps your TomTom XL find your position faster.