1-34 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags
the rear seat window-side seating posi-
tions. For each window-side seating posi-
tion, two lower anchorages are provided.
Each lower anchorage is located behind
the cover of seatback bottom.
The tether anchorages (upper an-
chorages) are provided for all the seating
positions (center and both window-side
ones) of the rear seat.
You will find marks “ ” at the bottom of the
rear seat seatbacks. These marks indicate
the positions of the lower anchorages
Each lower anchorage is located behind
the cover of seatback bottom.
When you install a child restraint
system, follow the manufacturer’s
instructions supplied with it. After
installing the child restraint system,
check to ensure that it is held
securely in position. If it is not held
tight and secure, the danger of your
child suffering personal injury in the
event of an accident may be in-