Sterling Trucks UMP45 Automobile User Manual

5. Next, determine and eliminate the cause of the stoppage. The
items indicated in the following tables do not cover all stoppages
theoretically possible. A given stoppage may also have been caused
by other reasons than the ones indicated.
Stoppage Cause Remedy
Cartridge not ignited Ammunition fault Recock UMP
(Dud round)
Firing pin damaged Take UMP to
or broken maintenance shop
Hammer spring damaged Take UMP to
damaged or broken maintenance shop
Bolt did not stay open on Cartridge case stuck in Unload. Retract bolt to
the last shot chamber because it is eject spent case. Clean
deformed or the chamber if fouled. If required take
is dirty UMP to maintenance shop
Cartridge case not Chamber is dirty. Clean cartridge chamber.
extracted or ejected
Extractor broken. Take UMP to
maintenance shop
Ejector damaged Take UMP to
maintenance shop
Insufficient bolt recoil Unload. Retract load via
cocking lever to eject spent
case. Check for smooth
movement of bolt and
check chamber for fouling.
Clean if required.