Sterling SFC-A 65 Automobile Parts User Manual

5.3. Clean/re place fil ter car tridge
Stop the con vey ing pro ce dure.
Switch off the con vey ing sys tem at the main switch.
In ter rupt the mains sup ply.
Set all com pressed-air lines at zero pres sure.
Clogged fil ter car tridges re duce con veyor per for mance.
Loosen the tight en ing strap (B) be -
tween the sep a ra tor lid (A) and sep a ra -
tor con tainer (C).
Re move the sep a ra tor lid (A) from the
sep a ra tor con tainer (C).
Pull the fil ter car tridge out of the sep a -
ra tor con tainer (C).
Use com pressed air to blow through
the fil ter car tridge from the in side to the
out side or re place the fil ter car tridge.
Main te nance 29