User's manual Sony Personal Navigation System
- 66 - Representation of the map in navigation mode
Representation of the map in navigation mode
During navigation the map opens in the STANDARD view. For the
Mode 2D/3D, Autozoom and Alignment, the settings that
have been established in the V
IEWING OPTIONS screen will be
used. Refer to chapter "
Viewing options" on page 81 for more
Assistance for
Various types of information useful for the journey will be
displayed during navigation.
Field Information
If two maneuvers are to be executed quickly one after
the other, the small upper arrow field indicates the
maneuver to be executed immediately after the next
The red arrow indicates your current position on the
The next maneuver is shown in the large arrow field.
Left of the indication arrow you will see a row of
orange bars.
As you approach the place where the maneuver needs
to be carried out, these bars will decrease. When all
the bars have disappeared, this is when you need to
carry out the action (e.g. turn).
The bars appear again afterwards.
The distance field shows the distance until the next
action. As you approach the place where the action
needs to be carried out, the distance information is
hidden. You then need to orientate yourself on the
bars to the left of the arrow.
The upper street field indicates the name of the next
street to turn on.
The lower street field indicates the name of the street
you are currently on.