Training Wheels
1. Position a washer on the shoulder bolt. Insert the
shoulder bolt through the wheel. Follow with another
flat washer then completely thread a nut on the
shoulder bolt.
2. Insert the shoulder bolt through the brace. Set the
“star” washer on the shoulder bolt. Lock into place by
screwing another nut onto the shoulder bolt.
3. Remove the nut and washer from the rear wheel axle.
Align stabilizer bracket onto the brace. Align brace and
stabilizer bracket on the wheel axle. Replace the axle
nut and washer, secure tightly. The elongated hole on
the brace allows for raising or lowering the training
wheel to the proper height.
Check your Brakes
Press each brake lever to make sure that there is no binding and that the brake pads press hard enough on the rims to stop
the bike. The brake pads should be adjusted so they are 1mm to 2 mm away from the rim when the brakes are not applied.
Brake pads should be centered on the rim and the rear portion of each brake pad should be about 0.5 - 1.0 mm farther from
the rim than the front portion of the brake pad.
Do not ride the bicycle until the brakes are functioning properly. To
test, apply the brakes while trying to push the bike forward to make
sure they will stop the bicycle.
Stabilizer Bracket
Axle Nut
Training Wheel
Star Washer