Saab Model Year 2000 Automobile User Manual

135Starting and driving
possible running problems) is to keep the
tank well filled.
Before the onset of freezing temperatures in
winter, it may be advisable to add gasoline
anti-freeze to the fuel a few times to dispel
any condensation in the system.
Opening the fuel filler flap in an emergency,
see page 126.
Recommended fuel:
The engine in your Saab 9-5 is designed to
operate on unleaded gasoline that has an
octane rating of 87 or higher. Octane rating
is determined according to the formula:
where MON is the Motor Octane Number,
and RON is the Research Octane Number.
The average of these two values is the
octane rating of the gasoline as it appears
on the pump at a retail gas station. This
value is sometimes referred to as the
"Anti-Knock Index" (AKI) or the "Average
Octane Number" (AON).
To avoid deposit formation on the fuel injec-
tors which can cause poor driveability, use
only quality gasolines that contain deter-
gents and corrosion inhibitors. Because
gasolines sold at retail gas stations vary in
their composition and quality, you should
switch to a different brand if you begin expe-
riencing driveability and/or hard starting
problems shortly after refueling your car. In
recent years, a variety of fuel additives and
alcohols or oxygenates have been blended
with gasoline. These types of gasolines may
be found in all parts of the United States and
Canada, but particularly in geographic
areas and cities that have high carbon mon-
oxide levels. Saab approves the use of such
"reformulated" gasolines in its products,
which help in reducing pollution from all
motor vehicles, provided that the following
blending percentages are met by such
Up to 10% ethanol by volume, with corro-
sion inhibitors.
Up to 15% MTBE by volume (methyl ter-
tiary butyl ether).
Up to 5% methanol by volume, with an
equal amount of a suitable co-solvent and
added corrosion inhibitors.
Other, less common, fuel additives used by
some gasoline dealers are also acceptable,
provided that the resultant gasoline is not
more than 2.7% oxygen by weight.
Some Canadian and U.S. gasolines contain
an octane enhancing additive called meth-
lycyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl
Never use fuel for any purpose other
than as engine fuel.
Fuel is highly flammable and can
cause severe burns. Never use an
open flame in the vicinity of gasoline
and do not smoke when refuelling.