RN2 Users Manual
2.3 Additional Application with the Optional SKU
1. TMC Accessory (only available in certain areas)
You may use external TMC accessory to perform TMC function when you are in a TMC Traffic
signal available areas
. Please visit: www.tmcforum.com for the TMC Coverage information,
Please connect the TMC accessory to the USB port of RN2 for the TMC application and be placing
the TMC accessory in a place which will not interfere to the driving safe. (See Figure 2-4-1)
Please refer to the User’s Guide of Navigation software for the detail TMC operating information.
Figure 2-4-1
Please be noted that RoyalTek Company Ltd. and the licensed Navigation Software are not responsible
for any damage caused by an accident due to unreliable TMC radio transmissions by national, regional,
or local broadcasters caused by TMC service restrictions, or by natural and man-made conditions that
prevent real-time information from being delivered to the device. The both companies are not
responsible for the quality or accuracy of the events broadcast.
Resetting the RN2 Device
You should less than seldom need to reset your RN2 under normal circumstances. However, in the
event that a problem cannot be corrected, you may reset the RN2 device by the following way
Hard reset:
• To do a “Hard reset” Disconnect all cables, including the AC adapter, from your device.
By sliding the hard reset switch on the primary ON/OFF switch on the right side of the device from
OFF to ON position then tap the power button.(see Figure 2-4-2)
Figure 2-4-2
Figure 2-4-3