RoyalTek RGM-3000 GPS Receiver User Manual

RoyalTek RGM-3000/REB-3000
GPS Module Operational Manual)
Recommanded RGM-3000-A Antenna Ground Plate
Connector tool (Option, not included in standard kit)
It is used to remove or install FPC on connector.
Software interface
NMEA V2.2 Protocol
It is the RS-232 interface:9600 bps, 8 bit
data, 1 stop bit and no parity. It supports the
following NMEA-0183 messages:GGA, GLL,
NMEA Output Messages
The Engine board outputs the following
messages as shown in Table 1:
Table 1 NMEA-0183 Output Messages
NMEA Record Description
GGA Global positioning system fixed data
GLL Geographic position – latitude / longitude
GSA GNSS DOP and active satellites
GSV GNSS satellites in view
RMC Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
VTG Course over ground and ground speed