Rikaline GPS-20 GPS Receiver User Manual

GPS-20 Operating Manual
Rikaline Marketing Corp.
5F-1, 125, Roosevelt Road, Sec. 5, Taipei, Taiwan 116
Tel: ++886 2 2934 5456 Fax: ++886 2 2934 4373 E-Mail: info@rikaline.com.tw
web: www.rikaline.com.tw
3. Hardware interface
3.1 Connectors
3.1.1 Antenna Connector
3.1.2 Interface Connector
20-Pin and 10-Pin straight header, 2mm pitch
3.2 Pin Assignment of Connector
Table 1-1 Pin list of the 20-Pin Digital Interface Connector (CN1)
Pin Number Name Description
1 ANT_PWR Antenna DC Voltage
2 VCC_5V +5 DC Power Input
3 BAT Backup Battery
4 VCC_3V +3.3V DC Power Input
5 PBRES Push Button Reset Input. Active Low
6 GPIOA SW dependent functions (note 1)
7 GPIOB SW dependent functions (note 1)
8 GPIOC SW dependent functions (note 1)
9 GPIOD SW dependent functions (note 1)
10 GND Ground
11 TXA Serial Data Output A
12 RXA Serial Data Input A
13 GND Ground
14 TXB Serial Data Output B
15 RXB Serial Data Input B
16 GND Ground
17 BOOTSEL Booting Mode Select
18 GND Ground
19 TIMEMARK 1PPS Time Mark Output
20 ALT/GPIOE Alternative output (Reserved)
Pin Number Name Description
1 GPIOF SW dependent functions (note 1)
2 JTDI JTAG software debug function
3 GPIOG SW dependent functions (note 1)
4 JTMS JTAG software debug function
5 GPIOH SW dependent functions (note 1)
6 JTCK JTAG software debug function
7 GPIOI SW dependent functions (note 1)
8 JTDO JTAG software debug function
9 JTRST JTAG software debug function
Note: 1) Pulled high (VCC/VDD) through on-board 100K Ohm resister.