GPS-22 Operating Manual
Specifications subject to change without prior notice
Rikaline International Corp. 14F, 171, ChengGong Rd., Sanchong City, Taipei 241, Taiwan, R. O.C
Tel: ++886 2 8973-1899 Fax: ++886 2 8973-1896 E-Mail: info@rikaline.com.tw web: www.rikaline.com.tw
where m – sentence type: ‘Q’ for ‘query’, ‘S’ for ‘set’, ‘R’ for ‘response’; aa – proprietary sentence identifier
(see below); x1…xN – data parameters (only for set and query response sentences); hh – sentence
NOTE: Each of the data parameters must be preceded with a comma, except for the aa sentence identifier,
and the checksum which is preceded with a checksum delimiter character ‘*’.
• QUERY sentence: to send a query sentence, no data fields are transmitted. The following format is used:
• RESPONSE sentence to QUERY: for a query sentence, a response sentence with all fields is transmitted.
The following format is used:
• SET sentence: to send a set sentence, x1…xN must contain valid values. The following format is used:
• RESPONSE sentence to SET: for a set sentence, a status response sentence is transmitted. The following
format is used:
where s is the status of the requested action: ‘A’ if the action was successful; ‘V’ otherwise.
The following proprietary NMEA sentence identifiers are implemented: DI – Diagnostic Message (optional)
This sentence outputs a diagnostic string. It is used to report various error conditions. This is a
response-only sentence.
$PXEMRDI,ccccccc*hh where ccccccc is a diagnostic string up to 50 characteristics. NM – Sentence Mask and Automatic Output Rate
This sentence configures the application to automatically output standard NMEA sentences at a specified
time interval.
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $PXEMaNM Proprietary NM protocol header, a-mode
(S = set; R = response)
Mask 0008 xxxx Output sentence mask, hex value
(see Notes below)
Rate 01 sec xx Automatic output sentence rate
(00 to 99)
<CR><LF> End of message termination
xxxx is a hexadecimal value representing a 2-byte bit-mask where a specific bit sets or clears automatic
output of a particular NMEA sentence according to the table below. The mask is derived by combining all
bits which represents the NMEA sentences which will be automatically output. For example, to automatically
output GGA, GSA, ZDA, and RMC, the bits 0, 4, 5, and 8 are set to 1 in a 2-byte mask, resulting in a hex
value 0x131 (0x1+0x10+0x20+0x100). This value is sent as an ASCII string ‘0131’ in the xxxx field of the NM
NMEA xxxx
Sentence Bit# Field value
GGA 0 0001