Rikaline 24A GPS Receiver User Manual

GPS Receiver Board GPS-24 / 24A Operating Manual
Specifications subject to change without prior notice
Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Din Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: info@rikaline.com.tw Web: www.rikaline.com.tw
C4.5 $PNMRX106, Datum
This message defines the conversion model used for mapping the ECEF coordinates into the LLA ones. The
default transformation uses WGS84 approximation. The transformation method can be changed into one
using a reference Ellipsoid combined with a local datum, to obtain a specific estimation of the local earth
geometry. Once the datum has been changed it will be applied to all LLA data, including the LLA navigation
initialization Data. This message enables the receiver to be configured to use map datum from an internal
table, or datum supplied as part of the message.
Field Format Min
Message ID $PNMRX106 6 8 PNMRX106 protocol header.
Correction Mode Unsigned 1 1 If 1 apply EGM96 geoids correction (warning:
should be applied only when Map Datum is equal to
216). If 0 there is no EGM96 geoids correction.
Reference number of the appropriate map datum to
Map Datum Int (0) 1 3
0-218 Map datum from internal table
500 User defined Datum
Dx Int (0)
(-)5 X offset in meters (-9999 to 9999)
Dy Int (0)
(-)5 Y offset in meters (-9999 to 9999)
Dz Int (0)
(-)5 Z offset in meters (-9999 to 9999)
Iflat Int (0) 1 8 Inverse flatness of reference geode. The value to
be used is (IFlat – 290) * 1000000).
The value must be in the range [6000000,
Majora Int (0) 1 8 Semi major axis of reference geode. The values to
be used is (MajorA – 6370000) * 1000).
The value must be in the range [6000000,
Checksum *xx (0) 3 3 2 digits.
<CR> <LF> 2 2 ASCII 13, ASCII 10.
$PNMRX106, 0,500, -2000,-2000,-2000, 8257224, 8137000*00*xx: User defined Datum
$PNMRX106, 1, 216,*xx: WGS 84 Datum
C.6 $PNMRX107, Messages rate control
This message is sent to set the automatic update rate, and to configure which messages will be
automatically output, it is also sent from the node to report which messages are currently configured for
automatic transmission. The $PNMRX107 message format is shown below. This message can be used to
enable and disable multiple messages by including up to 4 message codes and associated fields in each
$PNMRX107 message.
The message length is limited to 80 characters, in the event that the message length would exceed 80
characters it is divided into 2 messages. This message is supported also in a variable length format, where
only the necessary fields are used.
Field Format Min
Message ID $PNMRX107 8 8 PNMRX107 protocol header.
Determines which message is being configured. Message
Char 3 3
300 PNMRX300 Almanac Data
301 PNMRX301 Ephemeris Data
302 PNMRX302 lonospheric corrections
303 PNMRX303 UTC Time
304 PNMRX304 GPS constellation health
ALL Applies to all messages