M.MZ-01.01-S-en-Zusatzinfo ME
Schischek GmbH Germany D-90579 Langenzenn, Mühlsteig 45, Gewerbegebiet V, Tel. ++49 (0)9101-90810, Fax ++49 (0)9101-908177, Email ExMax@schischek.de
ExMax-.. and RedMax-.. extra information ME - size S
Mounting of ExSwitch (RedSwitch) accessory to the actuator
Mounting of terminal boxes type ExBox (RedBox)
via mounting bracket type MKK-S to the actuator (accessory)
1. Put the squared connection part to the actuator, then mount ExSwitch(RedSwitch) and
fix it with 4 screws
2. ExMax (RedMax) with mounted ExSwitch (RedSwitch)
4 x
1. Screw mounting bracket MKK-S to the actuator (A)
then terminal box to the mounting bracket (B) schrauben
2 x
2 x
Mounting bracket MKK-S can be mounted every 90°
Terminal box mounted above the actuator Terminal box mounted beside the actuator