24 ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide
Gybe inhibit (SAILBOAT only)
With gybe inhibit on:
• you will be able to perform an AutoTack into the wind
• to prevent accidental gybes, the SmartPilot will prevent the boat from
performing an AutoTack away from the wind
With gybe inhibit off, you can perform an AutoTack into or away from the
Wind selection (SAILBOAT only)
This screen determines whether the boat steers to apparent or true wind in
Wind Vane mode.
WindTrim (SAILBOAT only)
WindTrim controls how quickly the SmartPilot responds to changes in the
wind direction. Higher wind trim settings will result in a system that is more
responsive to wind changes.
Screen Text Options
GYBE STOP ON (Default) = Gybe inhibit on (gybes prevented)
OFF = Gybe inhibit off (gybes permitted)
WIND APP (Default) SmartPilot steers to apparent wind angle
WIND TRUE SmartPilot steers to true wind angle
Screen Text Options
WIND TRIM Range = 1 to 9
1 to 3 - Least responsive to wind changes (less system activ-
4 to 6 - Moderate response to wind changes
7 to 9 - Most responsive to wind changes (more system activ-