II-3 Turnon theHands-freeCar Kit
II-4 Pairthe Hands-freeCarKit withYour MobilePhone
1 Put thehands-free CarKit inpairing mode
2 Put your mobilephonein pairingmode
When the car kitis plugged to the cigarette lightersocket in your car and your caris on, the car
kit will turn on automatically and try to auto reconnect the last connected mobile phone. A long
tone indicates thatthe hands-free Car Kit has turned on. At thesame time, blue LED will flash
fora second. BlueLED willkeeponflashing every3seconds.
After the Car Kit has turned on automatically, it will try to auto reconnect the last connected
mobile phone. If it fails connecting for the first time, it will enter pairing mode immediately. A
double tone will be heard. The red and blue LEDs will flash alternatively, which indicates the
hands-free CarKit hasentered intothe pairingmode.
2.1 Follow the operation manual of your mobile phone to start the pairing process.
Typically, this has to be done by going to a setup or connect menu and thenselecting the
options to discover devices. may take several seconds to establish a
2..2 Your phone's display will indicatethat it has found the new device“PBT70R”. When you
want to pair it, the phone's display would demand a passkey or PIN. You can enter a
sequence of“0000”.
Note:The CarKitcan alsobe turnedon manuallybypressing andholding the“On/Off” keyfor 2
secondswhen itisoff.
Note: The Car Kit can also be put in pairing mode manually by pressing and holding the
“On/Off” keyfor 5seconds whenit isoff.
Bluetooth Bluetooth