II-11 Answerthe callwaiting
II-12 Mute theMicrophone
1 Tomuteacall
2 Toun-muteacall
II-13 End aCall
II-14 Reject aCall
II-15 Redial LastDialedNumber
II-16 AdjusttheSpeaker Volume
uring theactive call insession ifanother callis coming,pressing“VolumeDown” keyfor 2
seconds will make the mobile phone switch to the waiting call and place the active call on
hold. Press“VolumeDown”keyfor2secondsagain,mobilephonewillcomebacktothefirst
Press“Volume Up” key for about 2 seconds and a beep tone will indicate the microphone is
muted.Aperiodic remindertone willbeheard whilethe mutefunctionis active.
When the microphone is muted, press “Volume Up” key for about 2 seconds. Thenthe mute
functionwill endand theperiodicreminder tonewillstop.
While a call is in session on the hands-free Car Kit, press “On/Off ” key and you will disconnect
the call. A long tone will indicate that the call has ended After the call is disconnected, the
blueLED will flash normally.
When thehands-free CarKit isringing, press “On/Off” key for2 seconds.Ringing willstop and a
longtone willindicate thatthecall isrejected.
To redial the last dialed number, press “Volume Down” key for 2 seconds when the Car Kit is
standby,a beeptonewill indicateanattempt toredial.
While a call is in session, pressing and releasing “Volume Up” key will increase the speaker
volume, and pressing and releasing “Volume Down” key will decrease the speaker volume. A
double tone will be heard whenever the volume limit is reached