Polaris Trail RMK Offroad Vehicle User Manual

Engine Troubleshooting
Problem Probable Cause Solution
Engine turns
but fails to start
Faulty ignition Remove spark plug(s) and replace
with new plug(s). If engine still fails
to start, check for spark; if no spark
No fuel to engine Make sure the fuel valve is ON.
Check tank level and fill up with cor-
rect fuel.
Ice in fuel line, filter, or pump. On the
standard Polaris carburetor, the choke
will not function with the throttle
depressed. See second item under
“Probable Cause” of “Engine contin-
ually backfires”.
Flooded engine (normal
situation caused by too
much choking)
Hold throttle open, crank engine sev-
eral times (may be necessary to
change plug(s), however, the plug(s)
may operate satisfactorily when
Poor engine compression Running too lean a mixture (too small
a main jet will cause seizure resulting
in loss of power). SEE YOUR
DEALER. This indicates a major
engine problem that must be repaired
before engine is run.
Engine lacks
Fouled or defective
spark plug
Change and test operation.
Fuel filter (loss of high
RPM power)
Check fuel filter flow. Disconnect
hose and drain about 1/2 cup. Fuel
flow should be steady and encompass
the entire diameter of fuel line. If not,
replace filter.
Incorrect clutching SEE YOUR DEALER.
Carburetor and fuel
There’s no adjustment to change
power output. SEE YOUR DEALER.
Engine continu-
ally backfires
Faulty plug(s) Change plug(s)
Carburetor Dirt or ice in fuel system. (Deicer
should be added to non-ethanol fuel
at all times for assurance against fuel
line icing.)
Engine requires
more than nor-
mal pulls to
Poor gasoline or not
enough fuel getting to
Replace with fresh winter fuel.