Polaris 700 Fusion Offroad Vehicle User Manual

Ice and Snow Build-up 15...........
IFS 39..........................
IFS Adjustment Options 39..........
IFS Components 39................
Inadequate Snow Conditions 18......
Independent Front Suspension 39.....
Instrumentation 30-38...............
Intake Filter 88....................
Intake Silencer 17.................
Lever Travel 95...................
Lighting Check 63.................
Lights 98-99......................
Low Oil Level 67..................
Lubrication 82-85..................
Maintenance Interval Table 79-81......
Maintenance Log 132..............
Maneuverability 1 7................
MFD Battery Replacement 37........
MFD Component Identification 30....
MFD Digital Display Programs 32-36..
MFD Settings 31..................
Mirror Adjustment 63..............
Oil 67...........................
Oil Filter 89......................
Oil Injection System 66.............
Oil Recommendations 66............
Operation 23-24...................
Operator Safety 7-20................
Passenger 22.....................
PERC 74........................
Polaris Products 117...............
Pre-Ride Checklist 58..............
Pre-Ride Suspension Inspection 113...
Pressure Cap 21...................
Rear Rear Scissor Stop 47...........
Rear Spring Preload, M10 51.........
Recommended Maintenance Program 78
Reverse 23.......................
Reverse, Electronic 74..............
Rider Capacity 12.................
Adjustable Steering System 27....
Riding Apparel 11.................
Riding Position 10.................
Safety Decals and Locations 21-24.....
Sag 44..........................
Sag/Ride Height, M10 49-51.........
Scissor Stop 46-47.................
Seat Storage Compartment 28........
Second Year Engine Service Contract 128
Service And Warranty Information 124.
Shock Absorber Components 40......
Shock Spring Preload, Front 41.......
Shock Valving 42..................
Shock, PPS 45....................
Shocks, Rear 45...................
Signal Words 7....................
Skag Replacement 111..............
Ski Alignment 110.................
Ski Pressure, M10 52-53.............
Ski Skags 111....................
Slide Rail and T rack Cooling 65......
Slider Wear 112...................
Spark Plugs 86-87..................
Spring Preload 44.................
Springs, Front 42..................
Start the Engine and Check 63........
Starting the Engine 64..............
Starting, Emergency 73.............
Steering Adjustment 109............
Steering Inspection 109.............
Steering System 62, 109-111.........
Stopping 73......................
Storage 75, 114-116................
Storage Compartment 28............