Olympia/Luggage America 65 Automobile Accessories User Manual

Operating the Go-kart in harsh conditions could be hazardous if you do not inspect brake
wear often.
Operating in mud, water, sand, or other extreme conditions can cause accelerated brake wear.
This could lead to an accident.
If you operate your vehicle under these conditions, the brake must be inspected more often
than recommended in the MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE.
Brake uid cap
Failing to inspect and maintain your Go-kart’s brake system properly could be hazardous.
Improper maintenance of the brake increases your chance of having an accident.
Be sure to inspect the brake before riding according to the INSPECTION BEFORE RIDING
section. Always maintain your brakes according to the MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE.
1. Inspect the rear disk brake caliper for leakage. If brake
uid leaks, the safety of riding could be affected.
2. Inspect the brake hose for cracks, and the joints for
3. Check the brake uid level in the brake uid reservoir,
if level is at or below the LOWER mark, inspect brake pads
for wear and hydraulic system for leaks.
4. To add brake uid, remove cap on top of brake uid
container. Add DOT3 or DOT4 brake uid. Do not mix
brake uid types.
Brake uid resevoir
Brake caliper