Operating this go-kart without wearing seat belts could hazardous
Riding in this go-kart, driver or passenger, without wearing seatbelts could contribute to
severe injury or death in the event of an accident.
Always wear seat belts provided
Wear seat belt by placing shoulder
strap (1) over shoulder. Place lap
portion (2) over lap. Buckle seat belt
(3). After seat belt is buckled, pull
on belt to make sure buckle is fully
Operating this Go-kart without wearing an approved DOT motorcycle helmet, eye protection,
and protective clothing could be hazardous.
Operating without an approved DOT motorcycle helmet or eye protection increases your
chances of a severe head injury or death in an accident. Operating without protective
clothing also increases your chances of severe injury in an accident.
A DOT approved motorcycle helmet is the most important part of you safety gear. A
DOT approved motorcycle helmet can help prevent a serious head injury. Choose
a helmet that ts snugly. Motorcycle dealers can help in selecting a good quality
helmet which ts properly.
You should wear eye protection when you ride. If a rock or a branch hits your eyes,
you could be severely injured. Wear goggles or a face shield.
Wear proper clothing when you ride. The proper clothes can protect you from injury.
Wear a good pair of gloves, strong boots that are over the ankle, long pants, and a
long sleeve shirt.