Appendix F – DL Logs
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 69
The GRPA log captures the GPSCard logging configuration used to generate a particular file.
The group name may have up to and including nine characters. If the log trigger does not require a rate, (such as ‘ONCE’
or ‘ONCHANGED’), then zero (0) must be specified as the rate.
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1 $GRPA Log header $GRPA
2 GroupName Log group DIFFBASE
3 SessionName Session Name 8ABC9
4 AntSN Antenna serial number CGA95040020
5 AntType Antenna type 502NK
6 AHeight Antenna height (in metres) 2.050000
7 ECutoff Elevation cutoff (degrees) 5.000000
8 SatLimit Satellite observations limit 5
9 LogID Log identifier P20A
10 LogTrigger Trigger event for log ONTIME
11 LogRate Repetition period for log 10.00
12 …n-2 … Additional log specifications …
n-1 *xx Checksum *23
n [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]