Getting Started
Optional Accessory Services
14 NAVIGON 2000S | 2200T Series User’s Guide December 2008
NAVIGON, INC. Version 1.1
10. Enter the requested information in the appropriate fields.
The website returns your device unlock code, used to unlock the service on the
device. The unlock code is also sent to your e-mail address.
On your NAVIGON device:
11. On the P
The D
12. In the Enter Unlock Code fields, enter the 18 character device unlock code, in
blocks of six characters.
13. Tap OK.
The A
CTIVATION COMPLETE WINDOW displays. The accessory service is now avail-
able for use.
14. Tap OK to close the window.
Confirming ZAGAT POI Accessory Activation
Select a POI destination (as described in “Selecting a Point of Interest (POI) destina-
tion” on page 40). ZAGAT POIs are available for most major cities, such as Chicago,
Los Angeles, New York, etc.
All available ZAGAT POIs appear at the top of the returned list. A ZAGAT Icon
( ) appears in front of the POI. Tap the Information button ( ) to view POI
details. For more information on ZAGAT POIs, see “ZAGAT POIs (Optional Acces-
sory)” on page 57.
ZAGAT POI information is not available for all locations.