Equipment Setup Analysis Notes
• RJP USB port is a pass-through connection, reserved for future applications.
• Make sure all connectors and connections are tight and secure on user device, RJP-101M and TV.
• Check to assure user device, RJP-101M and TV are all powered up and working properly and that the TV
Installer menu items are set correctly.
• Check to assure network interface to host is viable and working.
• Audio and Video can be from different sources. Default is TV tuner Audio and Video, if no other
audio/video source is connected.
• Audio source must be viable. The audio output from the customer’s device must be present when connect-
ed to be heard at the TV.
• RJP AC circuit breaker maximum is 7 Amps. If 7 Amp current limit is exceeded, breaker will trip; unplug all
accessory devices from RJP AC outlets and press RESET.
Test Procedures
• Test and connect only one user device to determine if RJP is providing audio/video to TV.
• Test user device on another RJP (perhaps located in a different room) to determine if user device is com-
patible with RJP.
• On LCD or Plasma TVs, be sure Installer menu item 040 is set to 000 and 093 is set to 001 to enable RJP
Following are some possible solutions to problems:
Problem Possible Cause(s) Check RJP, User Device and In-Room TV
No Power • Power not connected?
• Circuit breaker on RJP tripped?
(Unplug all accessory devices from RJP AC outlets, press RESET.)
No Audio • Have all audio connections been made?
• Audio output available?
• Volume level turned up?
• Sound muted?
• TV setup correct for RJP? (Installer menu item 040 is set to 000 and 093 set to 001.)
• Try another RJP.
• Priority level? (Disconnect other devices.)
No Video • Video output available?
• All video cables connected?
• TV setup correct for RJP? (Installer menu item 040 is set to 000 and 093 set to 001.)
• Priority level? (Disconnect other devices.)
Poor Video • Check connections. (Video pass-through no user action possible.)
No USB • USB connected?
function • RJP USB port is a pass-through, no action possible.