
FFrreeeezzee FFrraammee aanndd AAccttiivvee CCuurrssoorr
Freeze Frame & Active Cursor - Press any arrow on the 4-WAY Cursor Control key,
and the screen will freeze and a cursor will be displayed. Use the 4-WAY Cursor
Control key to move the cursor over a sonar return, and the depth of the sonar
return will be displayed at the bottom of the screen in the cursor information box.
Instant Image Update - You can change a variety of sonar menu settings (such
as Sensitivity or Upper Range), and the adjustments will be shown instantly on
the screen. When combined with the Freeze frame feature, you can adjust and
see the effects of many different sonar settings quickly and easily.
The RTS Window continues to update in Freeze Frame. Pressing EXIT will exit
Freeze Frame, and the display will start to scroll. Freeze Frame is available in the
Sonar, Sonar Zoom, and 200/83 kHz Split Sonar Views.
What’s on the Sonar Display