
The GOTO Key has multiple functions, depending on the situation:
• If the Cursor is active, pressing the GOTO key while in any view creates
a waypoint and starts navigation towards that waypoint. If the Cursor is
not active, pressing the GOTO key displays the list of waypoints, so that
you can select the waypoint towards which you want to navigate.
• If the GOTO key is pressed and held for more than 1.5 seconds, the Man
Overboard (MOB) function is activated. When MOB is activated, an
MOB waypoint, which is a permanent, sharable waypoint with a large,
distinctive icon, is created at the boat's current position (regardless of
whether the chart cursor is active or not). Any current navigation will be
cancelled and the current route discarded without user notification, and
MOB navigation begins immediately. The view is switched to the Chart
View automatically when MOB is activated, and it is not possible to
activate MOB or modify the current route without first canceling MOB
navigation. Any press of the GOTO key, or selection of a GOTO menu
item, will cause an error beep and a short message will be displayed to
the user that will disappear after 2 seconds.
ZOOM (+/-) Key
Press the - or + ZOOM keys while in any of the Navigation
Views or the Sonar Zoom View to change the scale of the
view to appear closer or farther away.