The 587ci HD DI/597ci HD DI allows you
to choose 200 kHz or 455 kHz for conical
sonar coverage in the traditional sonar views
(Default = 200 kHz).
• When set to 200 kHz, only the returns
from the 200 kHz (25°) beam will be
displayed in the Down Imaging™ Views.
• When set to 455 kHz, only the returns
from the 455 kHz (16°) narrow beam will
be displayed in the Down Imaging™
The 597ci HD XD allows you to choose 200/50
kHz, 200 kHz, or 50 kHz (Default = 200/50 kHz).
• When set to 200/50 kHz, the returns from both beams are blended by
starting with the 50 kHz wide beam return, dimming it, and then
overlaying it with the 200 kHz narrow beam return. The darker 200 kHz
narrow beam sonar returnswillstand outfrom thepaler 50 kHz wide beam
sonar returns. The Split Sonar View continues to display the sonar returns
from each beam in their respective windows. The blended information is
shown in the Sonar View, Sonar Zoom View, and the Big Digits View. The
RTS Window™ in the Sonar View and the Circular Flasher View will only
show the returns from the 200 kHz narrow beam.
• When set to 200 kHz, only the returns from the 200 kHz narrow beam will
be displayed in the Sonar View, the Sonar Zoom View, the Big Digits View,
and the CircularFlasher View. The Split Sonar View will continueto display
returns from both beams in their respective windows. The RTS Window™
in the Sonar View will display the returns from the 200 kHz narrow beam.
• When set to 50 kHz, the returns from the 50 kHz wide beam will be
displayed in the Sonar View, the Sonar Zoom View, the Big Digits View,
and the CircularFlasher View. The Split Sonar View will continueto display
returns from both beams in their respective windows. The RTS Window™
will display the returns from the 50 kHz wide beam.
Sonar Menu Tab