GM-82 User’s manual
Speed 0.2 km/hr Measured horizontal speed
Units K Kilometers per hour
Checksum *6E
<CR> <LF> End of message termination
(1). SiRF Technology Inc. does not support magnetic declination. All “course over ground” data are geodetic WGS84
4.1.6 MSK Receiver Signal (MSS)
Table C-9 contains the values for the following example:
Table C-9 MSS Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPMSS MSS protocol header
Signal Strength 55 dB dB SS of tracked frequency
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 27 dB SNR of tracked frequency
Beacon Frequency 318.0 kHz Currently tracked frequency
Beacon Bit Rate 100 100 bits per second
Note – The MSS NMEA message can only be polled or scheduled using the MSK NMEA input message.
4.2 RTCM Received Data
The default communication parameters for DGPS Input are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, stop bit, and no
parity. Position accuracy of less than 5 meters can be achieved with the GPS-82 by using Differential GPS
(DGPS) real-time pseudo-range correction data in RTCM SC-104 format, with message types 1,2, or 9. As