Nissan Portable Navigation Owner’s Manual 43
Problem/Question Solution/Answer
My PND never gets
satellite signals.
Take your PND out of parking garages and away from tall buildings
and trees. Remain stationary for several minutes.
How do I clear all my user
Hold your nger on the lower-right corner of the PND’s screen while
it is turning on. Keep your nger pressed until the message appears.
Touch Yes to clear all user data.
The PND is locked
If the PND screen stops functioning, turn the PND off and on again.
If this does not help, slide the Power key to the left and hold for 8
seconds. Turn the PND back on. The PND should operate normally.
The touch screen is not
responding to my taps
Turn the PND off and then back on. Slide the Power key to the right
(lock). Hold your nger on the screen for about 30 seconds until the
calibration screen appears. Follow the on-screen instructions.
My battery gauge does not
seem accurate.
Allow the unit to fully discharge, and then fully charge it (without
interrupting the charge cycle).
How do I know my PND
is in USB mass storage
When your PND is in USB mass storage mode, a picture of a PND
connected to a computer is shown. Also, you should see two new
removable disk drives listed in My Computer.
My computer never senses
that the PND is connected.
1. Unplug the USB cable from your computer.
2. Turn the PND off.
3. Plug the USB cable into your computer and your PND. The PND
automatically turns on and goes into USB mass storage mode.
I cannot see any new
removable drives in my list
of drives.
If you have several network drives mapped on your computer,
Windows may have trouble assigning drive letters to your PND
drives. See your operating system’s Help le to learn how to map/
assign drive letters.