Navigation - 49 -
Managing itineraries
Save itinerary
Only itineraries that contain at least one route point may be
saved. Otherwise this icon is deactivated.
1. Tap this icon to save the itinerary you have planned.
The N
AME OF THE ITINERARY screen opens.
2. Enter a name for the itinerary.
For information on the use of the keyboard, please refer to
Software keyboard".
3. Tap
Note: Only the route points will be saved. If you load an
itinerary, you will have to recalculate it.
Load itinerary
This icon is deactivated if there is no saved itinerary available.
1. Tap this icon to load a saved itinerary, e.g. to modify it.
The S
ELECT ITINERARY screen opens:
2. Select the itinerary you want to load.
For information on working with lists refer to "