Exxon/Mobil Speedpass™, additional Sentry Keys,
or any other transponder-equipped components on
the same key chain will not cause a key-related
(transponder) fault unless the additional part is physi-
cally held against the ignition key being used when
starting the vehicle. Cell phones, pagers, or other
Radio Frequency (RF) electronics will not cause inter-
ference with this system.
All of the keys provided with your new vehicle have
been programmed to the vehicle electronics.
Replacement Keys
NOTE: Only keys that are programmed to the vehicle
electronics can be used to start and operate the vehicle.
Once a Sentry Key is programmed to a vehicle, it cannot
be programmed to any other vehicle.
Always remove the Sentry Keys from the vehicle
and lock all doors when leaving the vehicle unat-
At the time of purchase, the original owner is provided
with a four-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN).
Keep the PIN in a secure location. This number is
required for authorized dealer replacement of keys. Du-
plication of keys may be performed at an authorized
dealer or by following the customer key programming
procedure. This procedure consists of programming a
blank key to the vehicle electronics. A blank key is one
that has never been programmed.
NOTE: When having the Sentry Key Immobilizer
System serviced, bring all vehicle keys with you to an
authorized dealer.