Spare Wheel Location
NOTE: Lug wrench and jack, refer to "Vehicle Tool
Kit". For reasons of safety, check at regular intervals
that the spare wheel is properly secured.
If the rear cargo doors are opened to 90° (detent
position), the rear lights will be concealed. The ve-
hicle is then not sufficiently safeguarded at the
rear and may only be seen by other road users
when they are close to the vehicle. This could lead
to an accident.
The vehicle must then be clearly marked in
accordance with state and local laws, e.g., with a
warning triangle.
The spare wheel holder should be reattached once
the wheel has been changed.
Regularly check the spare wheel fastening.
A loose spare wheel or spare wheel holder could
be loosen or could move around the vehicle
interior uncontrollably in the event of sudden
braking, a rapid change in direction or an
accident. This increases the risk of injury to
vehicle occupants and other road users in these
Do not use retreaded/remolded tires. This process
does not always permit previous damage to be
detected. Therefore vehicle safety cannot be
guaranteed if retreaded/remolded tires are fitted.