the shift lever to the Right or Left (D+/D-) position while
in DRIVE. The transmission will remain in the current
gear until an upshift or downshift is chosen.
Autostick — 5.7L Engines
Autostick is a driver-interactive transmission that offers
manual gear shifting capability to provide the driver
with more control. Autostick allows the driver to increase
engine braking ability, eliminate undesirable upshifts
and downshifts, and improve overall vehicle perfor-
mance. This system can also provide the driver with
more control during passing, city driving, mountain
driving, trailer towing, and many other situations.
Autostick Operation
By placing the shift lever in the DRIVE position the lever
can be moved from side to side. This allows the driver to
select a specific gear. Move the shift lever to the Left (-) to
trigger a downshift and to the Right (+) to trigger an
upshift. The gear position will be shown in the transmis-
sion gear display located in the instrument cluster.
In the autostick mode the transmission will only
shift up and down when Left or Right (D-/D+) is
manually selected by the driver.
Shifting into or out of the autostick mode can be done at
any time without taking your foot off the accelerator
pedal. When the driver wishes to engage autostick,
simply move the shift lever to the Left or Right (D-/D+)
position while in DRIVE.
Hold the shift lever to the right for at least one second to
disengage autostick. The transmission will now operate
automatically; shifting between the five available gears.
You can start out in first or second gear. The system
will ignore attempts to upshift at too low of a vehicle
The transmission will automatically downshift to first
gear when coming to a stop.
Starting out in second gear is helpful in snowy or icy
Avoid using speed control when autostick is engaged.
The transmission will automatically shift up when
maximum engine speed is reached while autostick is