© 2008 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
What’s New
Responder LE is an advanced vehicle security and convenience system
with two remote controls - a traditional one-way transmitter, and a
2-way Responder LE remote.
Some main features of the Responder LE system
Vehicle Security
Fail-Safe Starter Kill
Double-Guard Shock Sensing
Door, hood, and trunk* monitoring
Revenger multi-tone siren
Status LED indicator and valet/override switch
Keyless Entry
Door locking/unlocking via remote control *
Driver’s door priority unlocking
Trunk or hatch release *
Power sliding door control *
Remote Start
Long-range operation
Hood, brake, and other shutdown inputs
Timer Starting
SmartStart time/temperature/voltage mode
Temperature-dependent defroster control*
*may require optional parts or installation labor