10A Inspection, Service & Maintenance Summary Charts
You must inspect, maintain and service your trailer regularly to insure safe and
reliable operation,, lfyou cannot or' are unsure how to perform the items listed here,
have your dealer perform them
Note: In addition to lhis manual, aIso check the relevant component
manufacturer's manual
Inspection and Service before Each Use
!!em ] !nsPec!i°n/Service 1 Manual section Reference
ConNer and HReh Ball Cheek for cracks, pits. and
fiats Replace wlhall & coupler
having trailer GVW Rating
Grease Section t0 2 3 1
Check locking device & replace
Safety Chain(s) & Hooks Check for wear and damage Sections 8 1 & 82
Tires Check tire pressure ;',,hen cold Sections 6 6, 92 & 10 2 6
* Air Pressure 4ntlate tires !o 80 psi
Wheels Cheek for tightness Section 657 & 9 1
• l,ugNuU(Bolu)&ilob ]'ightanto95-120[l!tb Do SectkmsI028,1028 1&1029
not exceed 120 fi lib [:or new
and remounted wheels, check
torque after first 10. 25 & 50
miles of driving aml afler any
impact ......................
Inspection and Service each 3 Months or 3,0(10 Miles
item lnspectinn/Service Manual Section Reference
Stnfcmre Inspect Repair or replace Section 10 2 2 I
° 4"Iinges, Doors damaged, worn or broken park_
Wheels Inspect for dents, damage or our 1027
. Rims of round
Tires Inspect for cuts wear and Sectkms 6 4, 6 44,6 4 2, 6 43,
buiging 644,645,646,647 64K
Basic tire maintenance 6.4.9, 6.4. I0, 6.4.11, 6.6 & 10.2.6
Inspection and Service each 6 Months or 6,000 Miles ....
hem 4nspeetion/Sen'iee Manual Section Reference
Tires Rotate @ 5,000 miles Section 1(4.2.6
Wheels Check and confirm free running Section 10 2 7 & I0 2 8
- UNSEALED Bearing_ (Hubs) Replace if not Section 1028 )
Disassemble / inspect / as-
sembieand repack Replace
promptly i[ immersed in water