Craftsman 123.24201 Utility Trailer User Manual

9A Retightening Lug Nuts at First 10, 25 & 50 Miles
Wheel lugs can shifi and settle quickly alier being first assembled, and must be
checked aller the first 10, 25 and 50 miles of dliving and after any impact Faflme
to perfbrm this check may result iraa wheel coming loose fiom the traiter; causing a
crash leading to death mrserious injury
Lug nuts are prone to loosen after initial installation, which can
lead to death oi serious injury.
Check lug nu_s fk]1tightness on a new tTai[er or when wheel(s)
]havebeen remounted after the first I0. 25 and 50 miles of driv-
ling and after any impact
The lug nuts for the tires must be tightened by the usm before
each use the tires must be maintained at the p_oper tire pressure
before each use Sears cannot be held _esponsible for"damages
caused by loosened lugnuts, o_ uneven tread wear and blow outs
I?om an under-inflated ot over-inflated tire
Failure to heed this warning could result iraproperty damage,
serious injmy and death.
If tow vehicle brakes do not work properly, death o_ serious
iajury can occur
yore' tow vehicle's brakes in a safe area at no more
mph before each tow
'3.2 "Fire Pressure
Check the pressure in each tire to ensure tire is set to the ti_e manufb.ctmm s
recommended pressure The tires that came with your trailer should be tilted to
80 psi Use a tire gauge to get anaccurate reading "y2_ushould check the pressure
before each tow