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tire roadway to the vehicfe, generates the tractive tbrces that provide the directional
contiol of the vehicle and does not le[y on the containment of any gas o_ fluid for
providing those functions
Non-pneumatic tire assembly: A non-pneumatic tire, alone or' in combination with
a wheel or wheel center member, which can be mounted on a vehicle
Normal occupant weight: This means 68 kilograms (t50 lb,) times the number of
occupants specified in the second column of Table I of 49 CFR 57f. 110
Occupant distribution: The distribution of occupants in a vehicle as specified in
the third column of' Table I of 49 CFR 57I 1t0
Open splice: Any parting at any junction of'tread, sidewall, or inner [liter that
extends to cord material
Outer diameter: rke overall diameter of:an inflated new tire
Overall width: The linear distance between the exteriors of the sidewalls of an
inflated ti_e, including elevations due to labeling, decorations, ol protective bands o_
Ply: A layer of rubber,coated parallel cords,
Ply separation: A parting of rubber compound between adjacent plies,
Pneumatic tire: A mechanical device made of rubber, chemicals, fabric and
steel or other materials, that, when mounted on an automotive wheel, provides the
traction and contains the gas or fluid that sustains the load
Production options weight: ]-he combined weight of those installed regular
production options weighing over 2.3 kilograms (5 tb ) in excess of those standald
items which they replace, not previously considered in curb weight or accessory
weight, including heavy duly brakes, ride levelers, roof rack, heavy duty battery,
and special trim
Radial ply tire: A pneumatic tire in which the ply cords that extend to the beads
are laid at substantially 90 degrees to the center' line of the tread
Recommended inflation pl cssure: This is the inflation pressure plovided by the
vehicle rnanuthcmrer on the rite lnf0maation label and on the Cmtification / VIN
Reinforced tire: A tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher inflation
pressures than the corresponding standard tire
Rim: A metal suppor* for a tire or a tire and tube assembly upon which the tire
beads are seated
Rim diauieter: This means the nominal diameter' of the bead seat
Rim size designation: 1his means the rim diameter and width,
Rim type designation: This means the industry of manufacturer's designation for
a rim by style or code
Rim width: This metals the nominal distance between lira flanges
Section width: The linear' distance between the exteriors of the sidewalls of an
inflated tire, excluding elevations due to labeling, decolation, or p_otective bands
Sidewall: That portion of a tire between the tread and bead,
Sidewall separation: The parting of the rubber' compound from the cord material
in the sidewall,,
Special Trailer (ST) tire: The "ST" is an indication the tire is for trailer use only,
Test rim: lhe rim on which a tire is fitted for testing, and may be any rim tisted as