CompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-907 VA5JR561FM907 7087A-R561F907 Automobile Alarm User Manual

23 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 22
General System Functions
Hold buttons (I+III) simultaneously for 2.5 seconds to turn on and off the shock sensor. The remote will beep twice and the shock
sensor icon will illuminate to confirm the shock sensor is off. The remote will beep once and the shock sensor icon will disappear to
confirm the shock sensor is on.
IMPORTANT: Turning off the shock sensor also turns off the optional sensor.
Adjusting the shock sensor sensitivity is done at the actual sensor, which is generally mounted somewhere under the vehicle’s dashboard. The higher
the number on the dial means greater sensitivity to impact. The recommended dial setting for most vehicle’s is somewhere between 2 & 4. If you are
testing your sensor, please note that the shock sensor does not recognize impact for 30 seconds after the system has been armed.
Advanced System Functions
Tap buttons (I+IV) simultaneously for 0.5 seconds to turn on and off drive lock (also known as ignition controlled door locks). The
remote will beep once and the drive lock icon will illuminate to confirm that drive lock mode is activated. The remote will beep twice and
the drive lock icon will disappear to confirm drive lock is off.
IMPORTANT: Drive lock mode requires that the dealer turn on Option 1-9. Drive lock has two settings;
Default 1: Off
Option 2: Locks the doors when the ignition is on and after the brake is depressed.
Option 3: locks the doors when the RPM’s have reached two times that of idle speed (this setting requires that a tachometer wire is connected).
With both settings, the doors will unlock when the ignition is turned off. If using this feature on a manual transmission vehicle, the doors will unlock
upon setting the emergency / parking brake.
The following section reviews advanced system functions. Many of these functions require multiple steps or additional programming by your local
authorized Firstech dealer to be active.
This feature can not be turned on with the 2 Way remote. The built in turbo timer keeps the vehicle’s engine running for either 1, 2, or 4 minutes
(programmable from dealer) after the vehicle key has been removed from the ignition. This feature will keep oil running through the turbo system to
allow for appropriate cooling time. Tap buttons (III+IV) simultaneously for 0.5 seconds to turn turbo mode on or off. The remote will beep once and the
turbo icon will illuminate to confirm that turbo mode is activated. The remote will beep twice and icon will disappear to confirm turbo mode is off.
IMPORTANT: To utilize this feature, the emergency / parking brake wire must be connected to the Firstech system. Consult your local authorized
dealer for installation.