Short Stop
When you stop for a brief errand, rather than shut down and then restart the engine moments later, you may remove your car keys and remotely arm without
shutting down the engine:
1. Park, place the trans mis sion in park or neu tral and engage the hand brake.
2. Without touching the brake, press button 4 (master) or button ✱ (companion). Two parking light flashes will confirm this action.
3. Turn the ignition off and remove your keys. The engine will continue to idle.
4. Exit and arm with the remote control. The engine will continue to idle under the control of your sy stem for up to 30 minutes.
5. When you return, use the To drive the vehicle after remote starting procedure noted above.
Low Temp/Low Bat tery Auto Start
Your system can be set to automatically start the engine if:
• The temperature drops below a certain level and/or
•The vehicle battery voltage drops below a certain level
If the LowTemp AutoStart feature has been programmed on and remotely activated by pressing the mast er remote control LevelShift button twice, then
button 3 or by pressing button ✱✱ on the companion remote, the system will automatically start and idle the engine when the interior temperature drops
to -15°C or lower. If the LowBattery AutoStart feature has been programmed on and remotely activate d as noted in the system’s complete owner’s
manual, the system will automatically start and idle the engine if the voltage drops below 12.2 vol ts to recharge the battery. With the optional Clif fNet
Wiz ard software and Da ta Port Replicator Cable, you may set the temperature and/or voltage thresh olds you prefer.
Man ual trans mis sion Saf eS tart
PLEASE NOTE: This section is only for vehicles with a manual transmission. If your vehicle has an a utomatic
transmission, skip this section.
For safety reasons, the transmission must be left in neutral if the engine will be remotely started. To assure safe remote starting, you must perform these
steps before exiting:
1. Park and, while the engine is running, place the trans mis sion in neu tral and set the hand brake.
2. Without touch ing the brake, trans mit chan nel 11 (Lev elShift but ton twice, then but ton 3) on t he master remote or press button ✱✱ on the
companion remote. Two parking light flashes will con firm this ac tion.
3. Turn the ig ni tion off and re move your keys. The en gine will con tinue to idle.
4. Exit and arm. The en gine will shut down. This prepares the system to later accept your remote starting command.
NOTE: For safety reasons, the system ignores the remote start command if the alarm sounded while yo u were away.
Ex tended Ac ces sory Power
The system will continue to power your car stereo, power windows and other accessories even after y ou shut off the engine (may require optional
parts/wiring). So if you turn off the key and realize you forgot to roll up a window, you don’t nee d to turn the ignition back on. Extended Accessory Power
lasts 5 minutes or until a door is opened.
On a limited number of vehicles, this feature can cause operational problem. If this is the case, t his feature can be programmed off via the User-selectable
features programming.