Auto matic re mote con trol low- battery warn ing
If your remote control battery is low, you’ll hear a rapid 5-chirp sequence when you disarm instead of the usual one chirp (with the Self-Powered SmartSiren 4
option, you’ll hear a low-pitched chirp). Replacement batteries are available from any Authorized Clifford Dealer.
Re mote con trol bat tery re place ment
Replacement of a remote control battery is simple, but any Authorized Clifford Dealer will be happy to do it for you without cost provided that you buy
the replacement battery at their shop (it’s a good idea to keep a spare battery in your glove box j ust in case).
1. Insert a small, thin screwdriver blade in the slot near the keyring opening (you may leave the keyr ing in place) and turn it to separate the two halves.
2. Remove the old battery noting the + and – indications and replace it with the new one.
3. Put the enclosure back together by first aligning the top of the remote, then snapping the case bac k together at the bottom.
Add ing new re mote con trols
For other drivers, or to control Clifford G4 systems on your other cars with the same remote, you can buy additional remote controls from any Clifford
Dealer (or direct from the Customer Service Department of your nearest Clifford Headquarters listed on the front cover) and program them into the
system yourself. Arrow 3 will respond to as many as four remote controls.
NOTE: Clifford G4 systems will re spond only to G4-type ACG 2 re mote con trols. Older Clif ford AC G and non- ACG
re mote con trols are not com pati ble with G4 systems.
To add a new remote control to the system, use the Add new remote feature (column 1, row 1) of the User-selectable features section.
User- Selectable AutoArming™
If this feature is enabled and you forget to remotely arm, the system automatically arms itself 30 seconds after the vehicle doors are closed. For your
convenience, if you re-open any door(s) within the 30-second countdown, AutoArming restarts the 30- second delay from the beginning after all doors are
closed. Arrow 3 has these additional features:
n AutoArming entry delay: If you temporarily lose the use of your remote controls, you may turn on the AutoArming entry delay feature. If this
feature and AutoArming are turned on, it allows you to enter the car (if it previously AutoArmed) and silently disarm the system by turning on the
ignition within 15 seconds of opening the door. See User-selectable features (column 3, row 3).
n Visual acknowledgment: Five seconds after you exit, close all the doors and the interior light has turned off, the indicat or lights flash twice to
confirm the AutoArming countdown is progressing. Then, 25 seconds later, the system will AutoArm.
n Lock upon AutoArming: To ensure you can’t accidentally lock your keys inside the car, the system is factory-set not to lock the doors upon
AutoArming. To change this setting, see User-selectable features.
n Instant AutoArming bypass: Prevents AutoArming when fueling the vehicle and at other times when you wish to temporarily bypass
AutoArming. To activate Instant AutoArming Bypass, rapidly turn the ignition switch to “ON” then “O FF.” You will hear a siren chirp to confirm
that the system will not AutoArm. The system automatically reverts to its normal operating mode wh en you next start the engine.
Plain View 2 Coded Valet Mode
All car alarms have a valet mode that turn off the security features. This mode is often used to tu rn off the alarm if the system is not responding to the
remote. However, thieves can disable other alarm brands by simply hotwiring the ignition and flicki ng the alarm’s easy-to-find “hidden” valet switch.
In contrast, your Arrow 3 system has safeguards that ensure a thief cannot enable the valet mode as a way of “turning off” your system. To enable valet
mode, the driver must first enter the secret valet code on the PlainView 2 switch mounted on your v ehicle’s dash or console. When the system is in valet
mode, it overrides AutoArming and all other security features. At various times, you will need to s witch the system off. For instance, when refueling or
washing your car.
The system’s factory- set valet code is 2: ✱✱ blank.
NOTE: If you tem po rar ily lose the use of your re mote con trols, you can dis arm the sys tem by ena bling valet mode.
Entering a code
To enter your code, press the ✱ button the appropriate number of times on the PlainView 2 switch followed by the blank button. To enter a zero, you
simply press the blank button.
EX AM PLE: To en ter a code of 1203, you would press: ✱ blank, ✱✱ blank, blank, ✱✱✱ blank.
To en able valet mode
1. Turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position or start the engine if it is not already running.
2. Enter your valet code on the PlainView 2 switch.
3. Continue pressing the blank button for 4 seconds. Release the button. The LED will continue to remain on fo r ongoing visual confirmation of valet
To exit valet mode and re store nor mal operation
1. Turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position or start the engine if it is not already running.
2. Enter your valet code on the PlainView 2 switch. The LED will turn off.