will hear two chimes when this message is displayed. To
acknowledge the warning, press RESET. After you press
RESET, a message will reappear and you will hear a
chime every 10 minutes until this condition changes.
This message indicates that the pressure in one of your
tires is higher than 42 psi (290 kPa). Next to the HIGH
TIRE PRESSURE message, you can see either LF
(left front), LR (left rear), RF (right front) or RR (right
rear) to indicate to you which tire is higher than 42 psi
(290 kPa). You can receive more than one tire pressure
message at a time. To read other messages that may
have been sent at the same time, press RESET. If a tire
pressure message appears on the DIC, stop as soon as
you can. Have the tire pressures checked and set to those
shown on your Tire Loading Information Label.
See “Extended Mobility Tires” and “Tire Inflation”
in the Index.
SERVICE TIRE MON SYS: If this message comes on,
a part on the Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM) is not
working properly. If you drive your vehicle while any of
the four sensors are missing or inoperable, the warning
will come on in approximately 10 minutes. If all four
sensors are missing, the warning will come on in
approximately 15 to 20 minutes. (All the sensors would
be missing, for example, if you put different wheels on
your vehicle without transferring the sensors.) If the
warning comes on and stays on, there may be a problem
with the TPM. See your dealer.