
Routing Options
Click the Options button in the
Trip Planner window to access
CoPilot routing options.
In the Trip Options window you
can change various routing
preferences. The Routing Type
and Routing Options here are
the same as the options on your
mobile device (see p. 51-53).
The Optimize option affects
how stops are ordered when you
choose to optimize your list of
stops for the most efficient stop
order. Keep destination will
keep the last stop fixed. Choose
Optimize all stops to include the
last stop in the optimization. The
first stop always stays the same
in an optimized route.
Under Units, choose to have
route distances reported in Miles
or Kilometers.
Click Advanced to set general
road preferences.
Drag the sliding bars to the left or
right to avoid or favor each road
Set the road speeds CoPilot uses
in its route calculations for each
type of road by either typing or
clicking the up and down arrows
under Rural and Urban for each
road type.
Trip Summary
Fuel Cost Calculator
To calculate an estimate of your
fuel costs for a trip, select Fuel
Cost Calculator from the Trip
menu before you run your route.
Fill in the average cost per
gallon of fuel that you expect to
pay, and the distance per gallon
you can expect to get in your
vehicle. Click OK, then run your
trip. A fuel cost estimate based
on what you entered will be
calculated and shown in the Trip
Summary that CoPilot creates
for every trip you run.
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Select Run in the Trip Planner
window to run the trip.
The Trip Summary will show start
and end places, and the number
of stops in between them.
Total distance and time for trip.
Estimated fuel cost for your trip
based on entries in the Fuel Cost
Calculator (Trip menu).
Click OK to view map and
driving directions.