
D - 8
15. Install washer and spindle nut.
16. While rotating the wheel, tighten the spindle nut with a 12” wrench until there is a
slight tension. Then back off one notch and install cotter pin. There should now be
from .001” to .010” end play in hub. If not, back off one notch.
17. Check the lug nuts at 10, 25 miles and recheck at 50 miles of travel. Torque
aluminum wheels to 110-120 ft. lbs and steel wheels to 95 ft. lbs.
When greasing bearings by hand, place a glob of grease in the palm of one hand and
push the large end of the bearing down into the grease (see illustration). Keep turning
the bearing around and forcing it down through the grease until the grease is extruded
up through the opposite end. Wipe the extra grease in your hand around the outside of
the bearing. It’s not necessary to fill the hub and dust cap with grease.