Acumen CAT21 Automobile Alarm User Manual

The Remote Transmitter
Ignition key
The system is supplied with 2 transmitter/Ignition keys, if a new
transmitter is supplied, a new key can be attached as shown in the
diagram opposite.
When all three buttons are pressed at once and held
for 5 seconds
WWiitthh iiggnniittiioonn ooffff
- Silent arm/disarm is toggled (14 flashes on/7 off)
WWiitthh ssyysstteemm aarrmmeedd oorr ddiissaarrmmeedd
- on/off
WWiitthh iiggnniittiioonn oonn,, ssyysstteemm ddiissaarrmmeedd
- Nudge sensor toggled on/off
(6 flashes on/3 off)
WWiitthh iiggnniittiioonn ooffff,, ssyysstteemm iinn sseerrvviiccee mmooddee
- Indicators on warning
function is toggled on/off (5 flashes on/10 off)
Standard Settings of the system
When the system arms, immobilisation and hot wire (ignition circuit
becomes live) functions only will be enabled.
The system will arm automatically 50 seconds after the ignition is
switched off. (this time cannot be altered)
You can manually arm the system by pressing the lock button. (You will
get 2 beeps and 2 flashes of the indicators) (see section 6)
To disarm the system, press the lock button. (You will get 1 beep and 1
flash of the indicators) (see section 6)
The system will arm with an audible warning of arming.
TThhiiss bbuuttttoonn wwiillll;;
Deactivate/activate tilt
and vibration,
Select siren tone,
Select number of
digits in PIN
TThhiiss bbuuttttoonn wwiillll;;
Arm & disarm the system,
Allow you to enter Diagnostic
and Service Modes.
TThhiiss bbuuttttoonn wwiillll;;
Activate the torch
TThhiiss bbuuttttoonn wwiillll;;
Allow the ignition key
to swivel out
These screws (x2)
attach the ignition
key to the transmitter
Undo these screws (x3)
to remove cover and
replace batteries
Replacement battery type CR2016