Acumen CAT21 Automobile Alarm User Manual

System Overview
The Acumen CAT21 consists of the following main
Installed CAT21 main unit
2 x remote transmitters
Installed protecting switch
Installed system fuse and spare fuse
LED system indicator
Be sure that you know:
11.. WWhheerree tthhee ssyysstteemm ffuussee iiss,, aanndd wwhheerree tthhee ssppaarree ffuussee iiss llooccaatteedd.. IIff
tthhee ffuussee ffaaiillss,, tthhee ssyysstteemm wwiillll nnoott aallllooww tthhee mmoottoorrccyyccllee ttoo ssttaarrtt..
22.. SSeett yyoouurr PPIINN oovveerrrriiddee.. TThhiiss wwiillll eennaabbllee yyoouu ttoo ddiissaarrmm tthhee ssyysstteemm
aanndd ssttiillll ssttaarrtt yyoouurr mmoottoorrccyyccllee iiff tthhee rreemmoottee ttrraannssmmiitttteerr iiss lloosstt oorr
ddooeess nnoott ffuunnccttiioonn ((sseeee SSeeccttiioonn 1166))..
The CAT21 will monitor;
1. The motorcycle battery and associated motorcycle wiring. If the
battery is disconnected or the ignition is switched on the alarm will
trigger. The CAT21 also monitors the state of the motorcycle battery
for ‘sleep’ purposes.
2. The ignition circuit. If the ignition is switched on while the CAT21 is
protecting the system it will trigger an alarm. Also, the CAT21 Uses
the ignition to enter diagnostic and service mode.
3. Nudge and movement, with a liquid filled, state-of-the-art sensor.
Nudge will result in beeps, movement will result in a full alarm.
4. An anti-tamper switch will cause the alarm to trigger if an attempt
is made to gain unauthorised access to the CAT21 system.
The CAT21 also;
1. Has a ‘fully armed’ mode (see section 1)
2. Has a ‘Convenience’ mode (see section 2)
3. Has a service/valet mode (see section 3)
4. Has a diagnostic mode (see section 4)
5. Has 14 different siren tones (see section 5)
6. Can have the audible warning of arming/disarming turned on or off.
(see section 6)
7. Can activate all four indicators in a Hazard warning mode
(see section 7)
8. Can be programmed to have the nudge sensing removed
(see section 8)
9. Can be programmed to act as an indicator or warning system when
riding the motorcycle (see section 9)
10. Will tell you if it senses excess voltage when the engine is running
(see section 10)
11. Will tell you if the remote transmitter batteries are becoming
discharged (see section 11)
12. Has a useful torch in the remote transmitter (see section 12)
13. Has an ignition key conversion feature in the remote transmitter
(see section 13)
14. Will tell you if the alarm has triggered in your absence
(see section 14)
15. Has a user-selectable PIN override number (see section 16)