
About MIDI
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a standard
that allows messages such as performance data
(collectively called "MIDI messages") to be exchanged
between devices such as electronic musical instruments
and computers. The MRS-1044 supports MIDI, and can
transfer messages to and from another MIDI-compatible
device via the [MIDI IN/OUT] connectors located on its
rear panel.
On the MRS-1044, you can use MIDI for the following
Play a drum kit / bass program from an external
Performance data can be sent from a MIDI keyboard or
computer to the MRS-1044, to play a drum kit or bass
program. When creating a rhythm pattern, you can also
record a performance from an external MIDI device instead
of using the pads.
Operate the MRS-1044 and an external MIDI
device in synchronization
Synchronization messages called "(MIDI) Timing Clock"
can be transmitted from the MRS-1044 to an external
rhythm machine, sequencer, or similar MIDI device, so that
the two devices will operate in synchronization.
The MRS-1044 has the following connectors in order to
exchange MIDI messages with external MIDI devices.
[MIDI IN] connector
This connector receives MIDI messages that are sent from
an external MIDI device. This connector is used mainly to
receive Note messages from an external MIDI device in
order to play a drum kit or bass program.
[MIDI OUT] connector
This connector transmits MIDI messages from the MRS-
1044. Note messages that represent the content played by a
rhythm pattern or rhythm song are transmitted from this
connector, as well as MIDI Timing Clock messages when
the MRS-1044 is running.
About the MIDI connectors
What you can do using MIDI
Reference [MIDI]
Reference [MIDI]
This section explains the MIDI-related settings of the MRS-1044.