and ACCOMPANIMENT parts can be independently transmitted
via the panel controls.
*2 The tone generator normally functions as a 16-channel multi-timbre
tone generator in response to MIDI input. MIDI messages therefore
do not normally affect the panel voices or other panel settings. The
MIDI messages listed below, however, do affect the panel voice,
style, multi pad, and song settings:
• MIDI master tuning, MIDI master volume, MASTER TRANS-
• Drum setup-related exclusive messages.
• System exclusive messages which change the reverb, chorus,
or DSP effect settings.
The KEYBOARD mode can be selected via panel control. Note on/
off messages received on KEYBOARD MODE channels are han-
dled in the same way as note on/off data from the internal key-
Only the following channel messages are recognized in this mode:
• Key on/key off.
• Control change: bank select (RIGHT1 only), modulation, main
volume, (RIGHT1 only), expression, sustain.
• Program change (RIGHT1 only).
• Pitch bend, all notes off.
*3 Limited to the range 21…108 on KEYBOARD MODE channels.
MSB 00H LSB 00H Preset GM tone generator.
MSB 00H LSB 70H~7FH Non-GM preset panel voices.
MSB 6FH LSB 60H~7FH Custom voice orchestra voices.
MSB 7FH LSB 00H Preset drum kit voices.
MSB 7FH LSB 6FH Custom voice drum kit voices.
Channel 10 is reserved for drum kit voices after a GM ON mes-
sage is received.
No voice change occurs when only a bank change message is
received. The latest bank change message is applied when a
program change message is received.
*5 These Control Change messages are not transmitted by the PSR-
4000 panel operation, but may be transmitted by the accompani-
ment style playing.
*6 NRPN transmission/reception
The following parameters are supported.
NRPN Data entry
MSB LSB MSB LSB Parameter Name/Range Default
01H 08H mmH - - Vibrato Rate 40H
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
01H 09H mmH - - Vibrato Depth 40H
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
01H 0AH mmH - - Vibrato Delay 40H
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
01H 20H mmH - - Filter Cutoff Freq. 40H
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
01H 21H mmH - - Filter Resonance 40H
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
01H 63H mmH - - EG Attack Time 40H
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
01H 64H mmH - - EG Decay Time 40H
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
01H 66H mmH - - EG Release Time 40H
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
14H rrH mmH - - Drum Filter Cutoff Freq. 40H
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
15H rrH mmH - - Drum Filter Resonance 40H
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
16H rrH mmH - - Drum EG Attack Rate 40H
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
17H rrH mmH - - Drum EG Decay Rate 40H
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
18H rrH mmH - - Drum Instrument Pitch Course 40H
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
19H rrH mmH - - Drum Instrument Pitch Fine 40H
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
1AH rrH mmH - - Drum Instrument Level Depends on note
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
1CH rrH mmH - - Drum Instrument Panpot Depends on note
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (L - Center - R)
1DH rrH mmH - - Drum Instrument Reverb Send Level Depends on note
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
1EH rrH mmH - - Drum Instrument Chorus Send Level Depends on note
rr: drum instrument note number mm: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
1FH rrH mmH - - Drum Instrument DSP Send Level Depends on note
rr: drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
Data entry LSB is ignored.
If MSB data is 14H through 1FH, it is applied as available data
when the channel is set to the drum mode and when DRUM SET
UP 2 or 3 is selected. (default set is SET UP 2)
Note: The PSR-4000 contains 3 drum setups (1-3). Drum setup 1 being the
preset drum setup, its parameters cannot be rewritten.
*7 RPN transmission/reception
The following parameters are supported.
RPN Data entry
MSB LSB MSB LSB Parameter Name/Range Default
00H 00H mmH - - Pitch bend Sensitivity 02H
mm: 00H - 02H - 0CH (0 - 2 - 12)
00H 01H mmH - - Fine Tuning 40H
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
00H 02H mmH - - Course Tuning 40H
mm: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63)
7FH 7FH - - - - RPN Null - -
Clears current RPN and NRPN number settings.
Data entry LSB is ignored.
*8 Pitch Bend, modulation, expression, sustain, sostenuto and
softpedal are returned to their default values.
Clears current RPN and NRPN number settings.
Resets portamento source note number.
MIDI Implementation Chart • Implementierungstabelle • Table d’implémentation • Gráfico de implementación