EaryRef (Early Reflections) effects are created using different groupings of “early reflections” — the first
cluster of reflections that occurs after the direct sound but before the dense reflections that are known as re-
verberation begin.
The GateRev (Gate Reverb) and RevrsGat (Reverse Gate) effects combine reverb with a selectable “gate”.
1. EARLY REF TYPE (EarlyRef1 & 2) Range: S-H, L-H, RDM, RVS, PLT, SPR
The “S-H” and “L-H” settings select typical groupings of early reflections that would occur in a small or large
hall, respectively. “RDM” (Random) produces an irregular series of reflections that could not occur naturally.
“RVS” (Reverse) generates a series of reflections that increase in level — like the effect produced by playing a
recorded reverberation sound backwards. “PLT” (Plate) produces a typical grouping of reflections that would
occur in a plate reverb unit, and “SPR (Spring) simulates the early reflections of a spring type reverb unit.
1. GATE TYPE (Gaterev. & RevrsGat) Range: TYPE A, TYPE B
2. ROOM SIZE Range: 0.1 … 7.0
Sets the separation between reflections. Higher values produce greater separation between reflections, and
therefore the effect of a bigger room.
3. DIFFUSION Range: 0 … 10
Adjusts the left-right “spread” of the early reflection or gated reverb sound. The higher the value the greater the
4. INITIAL DELAY Range: 0 … 63
Sets the delay time before the early reflection or gated reverb sound begins.
5. FEEDBACK LEVELRange: –63 … 0 … +63
Determines the amount of effect-sound feedback returned to the input of the effect stage. Higher negative or
positive values produce a more extended effect.
These are all reverberation (“reverb” for short) effects. Reverb is the warm musical “ambience” you expe-
rience when listening to music in a hall or other natural environment.
1. REVERB TIME Range: 0.3 … 30 sec.
Sets the amount of time it takes for the reverb sound to decay by 60 dB (virtually to silence).
2. DIFFUSION Range: 0 … 10
Adjusts the left-right “spread” of the reverb sound. The higher the value the greater the spread.
3. INITIAL DELAY Range: 0 … 63
The length of the initial delay before the actual reverb sound begins (in milliseconds). The higher the value the
longer the initial delay.
4. HPF CUTOFF Range: Thru, 22Hz … 8.0kHz
The cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter applied to the reverb sound. No filter is applied when set to “Thru”.
5. LPF CUTOFF Range: 1.0kHz … 18kHz, Thru
The cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter applied to the reverb sound. No filter is applied when set to “Thru”.
1. Hall 1 2. Hall 2 3. Hall 3 4. Hall 4 5. Room 1 6. Room 2
7. Room 3 8. Room 4 9. Stage 1 10. Stage 2 11. Plate 1 12. Plate 2
13. EaryRef1 14. EaryRef2 15. GateRev. 16. RevrsGat
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