Part number 550-141-850/069948
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
Check-out procedure — overviewVIIIa
Check-out procedure — checklistVIIIb
❏ Perform the checklist following to ensure boiler is operating correctly.
❏ Fill in the Installation and service certificate at the end of the checklist.
Overview of this
Boiler and heat distribution units filled with water?
! Automatic air vent, if used, open one full turn?
! Air purged from system?
! Air purged from gas piping? Piping checked for leaks?
! Is proper orifice plate installed? Refer to manual Section IIc to check size
and fuel type.
Proper orifice plate must be used. Failure to do so will
cause severe personal injury, death or substantial property
! Followed operating instructions on boiler or in manual Section VII for
proper start-up?
! Is igniter glow visible? Refer to Verify igniter operation, manual Section
VIId, step 5.
! Inspect vent system for leaks. Verify vent (and air) piping are functional
and unobstructed.
! Test limit control — While burner is operating, move indicator on limit
control below actual boiler water temperature. Blower and burner should
go off while circulator continues to operate. Raise setting on limit control
above boiler water temperature and burner should reignite.
! Test additional field-installed controls — If boiler has a low water cutoff,
additional high limit or other controls, test for operation as outlined by
manufacturer. Burner should be operating and should go off when controls
are tested. When controls are restored, boiler should restart.
! Test ignition system (control module):
a. Connect voltmeter to gas valve terminals.
b. Turn off manual gas valve.
c. Set thermostat to call for heat.
d. Control module will begin purge cycle, then activate igniter. Igniter
will glow for approximately 20 seconds. Near end of 20 seconds,
24 VAC will show at gas valve for approximately 6 seconds and then
Check off steps as